Take control of your food safety.


Foodcheck® is a Food Safety Monitoring Program for Food Retailers. We provide an independent, reliable and economical answer to the food safety concerns of the Australian food consumer. We take the stress out of food safety. Don’t be caught out at audit time, sign up for Foodcheck®.

Why choose Foodcheck®?

We provide benefits to both businesses and customers. Being food safe is good risk management and gives peace of mind to your customers and clients and secures you against food safety incidents.

How Can Foodcheck® Help You »

Food Safety Training

In addition to a Food Safety Monitoring Program you may want to have you and your staff trained to better prevent mistakes in the workplace. We offer a range of Food Safety Training courses for all businesses.

Our Training Options »

Food Safety Information

11,500 Australians contract food poisoning every day. We test for a wide range of food borne and environmental pathogens as part of Foodcheck®. We identify these risks and keep you compliant with food safety regulations

More Information »


About Foodcheck®

The Foodcheck® program is co-coordinated by Australian Food Microbiology’s experienced food scientists with over 30 years practical experience in the food industry.